An interesting creation by Altered Abilities, bringings in a ship similiar to the mothership in Firebird’s "IO". The preview which made it out is packed with a sneak peak of the title screen and hi-score tablentures, which are quite good, … Continue reading →
We’ve been treated to some great recoveries of late by Black Beard, and in August 2021 – we have got to see even more findings. This time was a title that was originally released on the PET and VIC 20 … Continue reading →
A new GTW entry as suggested by Dumbflag… Doomsday Blues is described as follows (thanks to "Known as Eden Blues to French readers, this is another adventure action game from ERE. You’re a prisoner who tries to escape from … Continue reading →
Our next game comes in the form of the unfinished Jailbreak by Michael J L(Wanderer), a programmer for the C64 under groups such as Rampar and The Survivors. The idea as the name suggests was to break out of prison … Continue reading →
The thing I love about working on Games That Weren’t, is that even after over 20 years – we still get the odd surprise surface. Our next entry is a title by an author who created a VIC-20 game which … Continue reading →
A very quick entry to highlight a BASIC game (with some Machine code) that was created by Soeren Lohel. The game was recovered by Baracuda, but sadly seems to be corrupted. Do you have a working copy of this game? … Continue reading →
A short entry for a series of titles by The Steam Powered Computer Company which were highlighted by contributor Dan Warren. At present, the only game by the company in the archives is The Inheritance, which was released in 1985 … Continue reading →
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