Also known as: A-Jax
Often there were titles that had completely different US releases, such as Bionic Commando and Afterburner. Some were just NTSC fixed versions of the UK releases, such as Salamander. Ajax (or A-Jax) was another title planned for release by Konami … Continue reading →

A successful film sequel and a widely promoted game in both Commodore Format and Commodore Force magazines here in the UK from between 1992-1993. Konami, not often known for releasing their own C64 games at that time, decided that their … Continue reading →
Also known as: Super Contra or Super Commandos
Another game we’d better start looking for, and one which might be slightly harder for me being in the UK. Super C (Or Super Contra/Super Commandos) is a US only release it seems and one which had it been released … Continue reading →