5 results for: Company = Loriciels
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Formule 1

1985 Loriciels

A very short entry to highlight a currently missing title which may or may not have been released. A racing game by Loriciels, was it completed or released? Can you help us find and preserve the title? UPDATE: Confirmed thanks … Continue reading

Mach 3

1987 Loriciels

Mach 3 was a pseudo 3D racer which was released on the Amstrad (http://www.cpczone.net/game/2087), MSX and Spectrum (http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0002959), but it seems not on the C64 as stated to be coming soon by TGM in issue 03/88. Even though the game … Continue reading


1987 Loriciels

A very quick entry which was brought to our attention via a tune in Gilles Soulet’s HVSC folder. Sapiens was a game being developed by Loriciels back in 1986 time, and it seemed a C64 version was on the cards … Continue reading