Cyclone was to be a helicopter game released by Ocean Software in the UK back around 1985. It was produced by Tony Pomfret shortly after Hunchback 2 was released. The first we hear of the game was from Martin Galway … Continue reading →
D-Day was advertised in various magazines of the era, and was released on the Spectrum and Sinclair QL, though a Commodore 64 edition was also advertised as coming soo. The game involved battling through 4 separate scenarios, either taking control … Continue reading →
In issue 24 of Commodore User, it was mentioned briefly that Tony Crowther was working on Death Star Interceptor II for Domark. A bit of a false alarm that, as Tony Crowther confirms in 2009 that it wasn’t him – … Continue reading →
A new GTW entry as suggested by Dumbflag… Doomsday Blues is described as follows (thanks to "Known as Eden Blues to French readers, this is another adventure action game from ERE. You’re a prisoner who tries to escape from … Continue reading →
Recently, Mark Hardisty has launched a website full of memorabilia in preparation for the launch of his new A Gremlin In The Works book. Part of this included source code files which were donated by Anthony J Clarke, which included … Continue reading →
Another sequel, and this time again from Archer MacLean, who was also working on the sequel to IK+ (known as IK Deluxe or IK++). Dropzone 2 was started very much earlier than IK, and took the idea of the original … Continue reading →
When first getting in touch with Chris Harvey about another long lost C64 game, the first thing he responded was that he could have sworn I was about to ask about Dukes of Hazzard. I wondered if Chris had perhaps … Continue reading →
Elite 2 was released for the Amiga, ST and PC back in 1993 as Frontier: Elite 2 – but what may surprise you is that a C64 and BBC version was also in the works too by David Braben and … Continue reading →
Elysium was to be a game to match the class of Ultimate’s Knightlore and Alien 8 games on the C64, using some rather cool programming techniques to get everything running to speed. The developer had finished Imhotep, and started working … Continue reading →
“Losen your collar, get out your JOYSTICK and get stuck in. By the time you finish you’ll be exhausted.” This is what describes our next entry into GTW64, which is an x-rated game being sold by Dept CCI called “Fantasy”. … Continue reading →
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