Sunburst Communications titles

Sunburst Communications

Status: No Download, Findability: 2/5

Another combined entry for a series of titles from Sunburst Communications, which may or may not have been released. At present the following titles are missing:

  • Bank Street Beginner’s Filer
  • Bank Street School Filer – Animal Life
  • Bank Street School Filer – Astronomy
  • Bank Street School Filer – Climate and Weather
  • Bank Street School Filer – Colonial Times
  • Bank Street School Filer – Endangered Species
  • Bank Street School Filer – North America
  • Bank Street School Filer – Our Town
  • Bank Street School Filer – Space
  • Bank Street School Filer – US
  • Building Perspective
  • Challenge Math
  • Code Quest <= PRESERVED!  Thanks to Hedning/Genesis Projects – See downloads!
  • Factory, The <= already in GB64 but this is the original version with different loading screen, not the HesWare rerelease (FOUND! – See
  • Gears
  • Get to the Point <= PRESERVED!  Thanks to Hedning/Genesis Projects – See downloads!
  • Getting to Read and Add
  • Gnee or Not Gnee <= PRESERVED!  Thanks to Nicol Walder. See downloads!
  • Iggy’s Gnees
  • Missing Links <= already in GB64 but this is the original version with different loading screen, not the HesWare rerelease
  • Odd One Out
  • Plane View
  • Power Drill <= PRESERVED!  Thanks to Hedning/Genesis Projects – See downloads!
  • Puzzler, The
  • Right Turn, The <= REMINANTS FOUND!  Thanks to Nicol Walder. See downloads!  Oddly seems to crash and is on the same disk as Gnee or Not Gnee.  Is it part of that or are we missing files?
  • Safari Search
  • Simon Says
  • Survival Math
  • Teasers by Tobbs
  • Teddy and Iggy
  • Tiger’s Tales
  • Trading Post
  • Wally’s Word Works
  • Whatsit Corporation, The
  • Word Detective
  • Word Quest
  • Wrinkle in Time, A

Can you help us find these titles and see them preserved?

Contributions: Bertrand / Atari Frog, Nicol Walder, Michael Plate, Hedning/GP

Supporting content

Update history

  • 05/03/24 – Get to the Point preserved thanks to Hedning/Genesis Project.
  • 04/01/24 – Power Drill and Code Quest have been fully preserved thanks to Hedning/Genesis Project! (So confirmed released and downloads added here)
  • 20/03/23 – Added missing download, thanks to Michael Plate for flagging up!
  • 28/07/22 – Gnee or Not Gnee found and added to downloads!  Bits of The Right Turn also oddly on the disk.
Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 6 Comments

6 Responses to Sunburst Communications titles

  1. I wrote the C-64 versions of Code Quest (w/ another programmer), Get To The Point, and Safari Search. I also wrote some routines for A Wrinkle In Time. I can confirm that they were all released. However, some of the titles listed here might have only been for Apple and (maybe) for DOS. Educational software for the Apple ][ out sold C-64 versions by a very significant margin; so the C-64 was never a big focus for Sunburst.

    • Thanks very much for confirming Nick, and also about the other titles. Hopefully we’ll get to find copies of your work soon, so they can be digitally preserved some day. Can you recall the name of the other programmer and do you by chance still have any copies of your work?

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