
Another game which I unfortunately cannot say too much about, due to the game being in German. It seems to be a trading game of somekind, and something i’ve been told is quite a popular type of game in Germany. … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 16
Another game which I unfortunately cannot say too much about, due to the game being in German. It seems to be a trading game of somekind, and something i’ve been told is quite a popular type of game in Germany. … Continue reading
Keith Purkiss was a regular games creator on the Commodore 64 back in the mid-late 80’s and early 1990s, and also created a few games under the pseudonym of Pakman for titles like Dragon Spirit and Little Puff. During his … Continue reading
This game looks to be a Space Invader/Mega Phoenix clone in updated fashion, and it isn’t that bad. The background graphics and sprites look quite good. Even though the preview is simple, it plays well and just has a good … Continue reading
A nice looking preview of a puzzler with a strange name. This is another clone of the simple ‘Pairs’ concept, with nothing really new to add, apart from a different front end and some nice graphics. At the time, this … Continue reading
Kid Saviour was to be a Giana Sisters clone by Roy Fielding, who did some music work and also did Hectic 2 back in the early 90’s. All the hard work according to Roy was done, with decent collision, scrolling … Continue reading
Kill all humans was to be a game where you control a lost robot on a human spaceship heading to attack an outer world. The aim was to kill all humans and scientists that cross your path across multiple levels … Continue reading
A strange game where you are having a fight with a neighbour or someone in a carpark. There is no end to the game, and you just wander around aimlessly as the opposition follows you and you try to beat … Continue reading
This early preview puts you in the control of a nicely animated spaceman, running around and jumping over various vegetated objects over a short horizontal push scroll map. Glitches are everywhere in this early preview, and some errie music has … Continue reading
Welcome to what is the remains of Heartland V1, known as Kimera to those close to the project. Kimera was infact the original given name to what eventually became Heartland, releaed by Odin Software back in 1986. Although we saw … Continue reading
A more recent game from 2001 and seems to be a title which was being developed in Australia. The game is a simple sideway scrolling car game with some awkward controls. You basically just control a car and must keep … Continue reading
A very strange little preview this one.. It is infact an early preview of Orcus, with hacked sprites from Mr Heli and other games. It’s not known if this was actually going to be turned into a proper full game, … Continue reading
The original Knight n Grail was a fantastic title which blew many people away when it turned up. One of my favourite games of recent times with some excellent twists and turns. When this sequel preview turned up, I of … Continue reading
Ah, the days when Ocean churned out many a movie/tv licence which was utter tripe eh?… Well, 1986 was a popular year mainly for some real stinkers such as Highlander, V and also Knight Rider. All of which were heavily … Continue reading
A neat little title from Simon Quernhorst, which is themed on Chess, but has a much more simplistic aim in this logical game. Although starting to take shape back in 2014, the game was abandoned due to other projects and … Continue reading
I should have added this to the GTW64 archive ages ago, but for some reason did a separate site post. What we have here is a rather different looking Knuckle Buster game on the C64 by Mat Sneap. Luckily in … Continue reading
This is an awesome Kung Fu Master clone, with massive and brilliantly animated main sprites. The background flickered to give extra colours, and some of the previews featured some awesome sound effects to match a great promising preview. It feels … Continue reading
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