GTW64 February 2024 update

Already into the second month of 2024, and plenty more updates for the GTW64 archive. So here is what we have for February 2024:

Two new recoveries

Thanks to Csaba Virag, two more seemingly unpreserved games have been found. It isn’t clear if they were actually released or not, but here they are:

Pong Mini and Quizer

11 other new entries added

Then we have a new batch of titles added to the archives thanks to our contributors (each credited in each piece). The archive continues to grow even today!

3D Killer PillerABCBndrsntchBombuzal editorCurse of the PharaohsDr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeEuchre for FourField of FireQuest for CyrusRuba e fuggiTwo hearts and a chickenpot

12 entries updates

Then as usual – we finish with a series of updates to entries already in the archive. Details of what has changed/been added can be found in the history tab for each title.

Chain Reaction V1DelphianForbidden PlanetFurther Adventures of Alice in VideolandMetal PiramidMorgolPirates of the OceanPulsatorSpeed FighterThe 4th DimensionTyger TygerWho Dares Wins

New area on for Allan Pinkerton

Allan has been helping out GTW64 for many years with various preservation efforts, and he is now uploading many more over at, so be sure to check things out:

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