

Status: No Download, Findability: 5/5

A game which you will never have heard of from XLCUS, abandoned at quite an early stage.

"Cars" was a working title for a game being developed by Paul Kubiszyn under his XLCUS label, which involved two cars racing against each other in split screen left/right scrolling action.

The game featured some awesome looking car sprites, which could be controlled over a map. Apart from the editors, a map and the sprites.. the game was never completed.

Its unknown why exactly the game was scrapped, hopefully Paul will enlighten us some more in the future.

The game still exists in its final form as source code in Paul’s Attic. Hopefully someday soon when Paul takes down his C64 things, he will be able to find some screenshots for us, or even a preview of somekind.

A cool sounding racer game by XLCUS…

Contributions: Paul Kubiszyn

Supporting content

Creator speaks

Paul Kubiszyn speaks to GTW about work on Cars...

"The name was "Cars", (it was only a work in progress name by the way :).

The game was going to be a split screen left to right car racing game. I had all the level map editors written which took the longest, had all the 2 players split screen scrolling code done. Even made some pretty cool looking car sprites from 4 overlayed hires sprites. Joystick movement was complete, and you could complete one whole map.

The source code floats around my attic these days, although one day when my C64 comes down again (it only went back up 3 weeks ago :) I will dig out the code and grab some screen shots, providing I can still remember how to run the code :)"

Paul Kubiszyn.

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