Another combined entry to search for titles which may have been released, but have not yet been preserved. Thanks to Bertrand / Atari Mania, an advert was flagged up from Home Computer Magazine in 1984 with a list of tiles … Continue reading →
Another combined entry for a series of titles from K-TEK Software, which may or may not have been released. At present the following titles are missing: Stomp Ground – FOUND thanks to Allan Pinkerton, see downloads! Sky Diving – FOUND … Continue reading →
Another combined entry for a series of titles from Micro Application, which may or may not have been released. At present the following titles are missing: Poker 64 Siren City – 100% French version of the Interceptor Software Game Skier-64 … Continue reading →
Zzap 64 were always a magazine to have a laugh at times, and they did it in style with one particular April edition of Zzap! 64 with this “amazing” looking game introduced one day back in 1986. Here are the … Continue reading →
Possibly a bit of a shock for you now, as we take a look at a GTW entry for Mortal Kombat 2! Out of nowhere, an unofficial conversion of the sequel appeared, and a bloody good looking conversion too when … Continue reading →
A quick one for you, this time from a catalogue which advertised a Multipack of games which included: Nine Men Morris Cymon Gammon 64 There is a Nine Mens Morris game in Gamebase, but this has now been confirmed to … Continue reading →
We’ve been on a roll recently (thanks to Peter Weighill) with a number of large company collections of games which have seemingly never seen the light of day, or they are just very obscure. Our next set is from Orbyte … Continue reading →
Not unreleased it seems, but a hard to find set of titles which aid with writing which had been missing for some time. Allan Pinkerton has kindly preserved 3 of 4 titles in the series, which we are pleased to … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Quiz game that has been recovered by Csaba Virag, and what seems to be an Italian quiz game that was potentially released in 1988 by Di. Erre E. Futura and written by Ugo Trapanese. The … Continue reading →
A combined entry to highlight a large number of educational titles that are currently missing for the Commodore 64. These were found listed in a book called Software for Schools (1987-88) and published by R. R. Bowker. Bertrand/Atari Frog has … Continue reading →
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