Alligata produced quite a few classic titles and shot certain developers like Tony Crowther to fame. Towards 1986, and sadly Alligata was to be no more, and so it was laid to rest. In 2005, James Grayson loaned GTW a … Continue reading →
Cyborg is described by a C16 website as “A shooting extravaganza with a different twist. Two directional movement limits your chance to escape, increases your need for skill.”… The game indeed was released on the C16, but a C64 … Continue reading →
A popular C16 title, Droid One should have also been released on the C64, but for reasons unknown to us and even Stephen Kellett, the game never made it. Essentially, what you see in the C16 version is what would … Continue reading →
Droid One Plus was a game written by Stephen Kellett with no specific publisher in mind. The game was to be a crazier version of Droid One which was released on the Commodore 16. If you were to play the … Continue reading →
Fruit Fight is an interesting entry which was to be an unofficial arcade conversion of Dingo (Ultimate Arcade) The game was quite a good copy according to Stephen Kellett (the game’s coder). The game was written for Gannon Designs who … Continue reading →
We have to find this one!…. According to the game’s creator, this was heavily inspired by one of my favourite Vic 20 games of all time, Myraid by Rabbit Software. This was infact released on the C16 by Bug Byte, … Continue reading →
Another unnamed game, and this time by Stephen Kellett. This game is best described by its author… “I also had an un-released 4 way scrolling space game with a huge landscape to fly over (using some nify storage techniques). I … Continue reading →