Quite possibly one of the strangest goings on behind a Ocean release, coming in the form of the rather bizarre release of Operation Thunderbolt. It all stems back to Zzap! 64, and issue 57 in particular. Zzap reviewed the game … Continue reading →
Well, it could and maybe it should have happened… but Parallax was due a sequel from the Sensible Software boys, and certainly this was very much on the cards. The previous game was left rather open at the end once … Continue reading →
Following on from the brilliant Bubble Bobble and the radical Rainbow Islands, Parasol Stars was one of the most eagerly awaited games of 1992. However, just as it was nearing completion, Ocean made a public statement in 1992 that their … Continue reading →
Yet another Ocean title which seems to have got lost along the way from its translation from other formats. In particular from the Spectrum/Amstrad in this case. Phantom Club was a Knightlore style game from the creator of MOVIE, another … Continue reading →
A tragic tale for this title, where Plotting was in fact fully completed and even reviewed by the top C64 magazines at the time. The game was planned for Cartridge release, to allow for instantaneous action and plenty of graphical … Continue reading →
The Legend Of Prince Valiant was to be a platform game based on the cartoon series shown on BBC television in the early 90’s. Ocean bought the licence and had planned to do conversions across a series of platforms. Commodore … Continue reading →
The source of this next entry is interesting as it was mentioned in “Illegal” pirate fanzine as something seen at PC 1988 show (or so it seems) by SSD of Cosmos. Quondam was an arcade shoot-em-up written by Denton Designs, … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a potential missing Ocean Software release of Road Frog, which was flagged up thanks to Vinny Mainolfi. Vinny spotted an advert which showed a glass filter over a Commodore monitor. On the screen was a … Continue reading →
Our next entry into the C64 archives was a huge surprise when it was revealed by Ocean’s stalwart – Paul Hughes in February 2021. When CommodoreBlog posted a tweet showing the title screen from the NES version of Robocop 2, … Continue reading →
Well, thanks to David Wightman – we learn of yet another C64GS title that never quite made it. Rolling Thunder was to be a title developed for either Ocean or US Gold (To be confirmed) by Imagitec. David remembers seeing … Continue reading →
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