Barbarian 3 first started off as a basic sequel to Barbarian 2, following a similar structure. This was the period when both Steve Brown and Richard Leinfellner were involved in the development. Basically whilst the sequel was in development, Steve … Continue reading →
Just after Evil Dead, Palace Software were planning a range of other horror titles according to a small news snippet in Commodore User magazine back in 1984. Basket Case was another of those titles, but like with Halloween – it … Continue reading →
Mentioned in TGM March 1989 Complex was to be a new Palace Software game on the C64 in 1989, and was mentioned in the March issue of The Games Machine. They described the game as follows: “And for future-shock fans, … Continue reading →
Palace Software started as a division of the Palace Video company, which had a large shop in London and distribution rights to several horror films. This included The Evil Dead, and Palace’s first game was based on that film. However, … Continue reading →
Monster Museum was mentioned in March 1989 of The Games Machine as coming soon with the following blurb – “Other games on Palace’s mean menu include Monster Museum, an arcade adventure with graphics by Gary Carr and main programming by … Continue reading →
Another naff game i’m afraid.. a very simple BASIC looking game, where you have to protect a simple character block on the screen. Terrible to look at and terrible to play… Either this is the actual game, or a very … Continue reading →
Also known as: The Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit 2
The Shoot ‘Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK for short) is probably one of the most famous tools on the C64 of all time, spawning many hundreds (if not thousands) of creations, ranging from old tosh to some really superb creations. … Continue reading →
Starship was a fair 3D Wireframe strategy/action game which was being released on the Atari ST first, and then ported to the C64 at a later date. It seems that the Atari ST version never surfaced also, as nothing can … Continue reading →
Yet another strange one for the vaults of GTW… Originally it wasn’t known about until TGM shed some light. Originally this game was known from a strange set of advert slogans which were used in Zzap issue 40 back in … Continue reading →
Just after Evil Dead, Palace Software were planning a range of other horror titles according to a small news snippet in Commodore User magazine back in 1984. Texas Chainsaw Massacre was another of those titles, but like with Halloween – … Continue reading →
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