Spin Out

Interstel Corporation

Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

Thanks to @andynick42 on Twitter for flagging up this title that was advertised in the US and was due to be released by Interstel, who have a number of titles already preserved in Gamebase64.

Spin Out was to be an auto-racing game, where you can create your own tracks and challenge your friends to beat your best times. The advert was pretty simple, which may have resulted in limited sales overall.

We believe that the title was likely to have been released and sold, just in very limited numbers – so we hope that someone may come forward with a copy to get it preserved. Considering that other titles are out there from the company, including one from a few years later – we are very hopeful.

Do you know anything about this title?

Contributions: @andynick42

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