The Bandage


Status: Full Game, Findability: 5/5

The Bandage was a Quill based adventure game which was written by Ruben Spaans in his early days. Ruben sheds more light on the game here (talking about the collection of adventure games he created):

"Just saw "The Bandage" in the unpublished list. These three games were never released. They are simple text adventure games I made when testing out various adventure game creators (The Quill and Inform).

I silently put them in my game collection, and I guess they got spread because I swapped with other game collectors who got these games from me. The Bandage has references to a part 2, but no more parts were made as far as I can remember."

This was a personally created game, but Ruben has very kindly shared the game for others to check out. It is another game found and preserved!

Case closed!

Contributions: Jazzcat, Ruben Spaans

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