Our next entry (helping to fill up the rather empty X category) is a neat early preview of a Delta’esq clone called Xykik.
The game was being developed by C64 musician Jason Morrell, of which this was his first venture into game development.
Things started as a simple attack wave handler, sprite recycling for the landscape and a status panel … as well as a neat Delta style star-field (which was worked out between Jason Morell and Jason Kelk, rather than looking at Stavros’ code directly).
It seems that the game never got much further than this early preview, which we can thankfully bring to you for the first time thanks to Jason Kelk. We need to find out more about what happened, so hope to hear from Jason Morrell very soon about his work.
For now, check out the early preview and nice effects in a game which could have been a neat budget blaster…
Contributions: Jason Kelk
Supporting content
Available downloads
- Preview_Xykik (zip)
Creator speaks
Jason Kelk speaks about Xykik:
“This was Jason’s first real piece of code if memory serves, and has the beginnings of an attack wave handler, sprite recycling for the landscape and status panels in the borders and most of the player controls including a “œbounce” effect if the ship bumps into the top of the screen. The big influence here was Thalamus’ Delta, so there were some plans for lots of swirling enemy attack patterns. The starfield looks very Delta-ish but we worked out how it was done between us rather than looking at Stavros Fasoulas’ code.”