A previously unknown title which was dug up thanks to Simon Birrell. His old friend, Patricia Mitchell was programming C64 game called “Save the Hippy” . The aim of this game was to collect dope from the garden of the … Continue reading →
SAW Wars was a tongue in cheek game written by Ben Hayes before his days at Enigma Variations. Ben described things in an interview as follows: "Sort of a right to left shoot-em-down thing. There was a point to the … Continue reading →
1986 Elite Platforms: ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 Dragons Lair was a technical marvel in the early 80s with its impressive Laser Disc technology. Elite jumped on the bandwagon with their licence of the popular cartoon series. Whereas Dragons … Continue reading →
The screenshots looked amazing, the game was gonna be a stunner. The game was to be based on the LaserDisc Dragons Lair arcade, with what would be a basic interactive movie game…. very advanced and ahead of its time, especially … Continue reading →
Scooter was one of a few titles advertised by Electric Dreams back in issue 8 of Zzap 64 games. Nuclear Nick was to be part of a double pack with a game called Scooter. It never quite surfaced, but after … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title which seems to have a C64 connection, but we’re not sure if it is a red herring just yet. Thanks to John Christian Lønningdal, we have learnt that the 1942 clone – Screaming Wings, … Continue reading →
When the C64 was dying out commercially, Jon Wells was trying to flood the C64 with new releases. One of his ideas was to take the entire backcatalogue of Clive Wilson adventure titles and update them with new graphics, music … Continue reading →
Well, nowadays you’ve got people going on about how GTA 3 is full of bad taste with the ability to have sex with prostitutes and then kill them. It’s however not something limited to games of today, but this kind … Continue reading →
Another title highlighted thanks to Peter Weighill. This early 1983 Epyx game was advertised in quite a few magazines at the time as part of a double pack with Gun Fight. Unfortunately this one never got to see the light … Continue reading →
The sequel to First Samurai was to be programmed by Vivid Image’s sister division known as MirrorSoft, straight after the first game was released. The people who were intended for the conversion were Mat Sneap and Jon Williams. The C64 … Continue reading →
1993 MicroProse Platform: PC PC Review magazine in August 1993 described Secret of the 7th Labyrinth as requiring you to “Zoom around killing things and make sure you do it fast”. There were also comparisons to Wolfenstein, which the whole … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Grolier Electronic Publishing game spotted by Peter Weighill in an issue of Family Computing magazine October 1984. Secrets of Science was described in the advert as follows: “Secrets of Science Island guides you on a … Continue reading →
A short entry which has been highlighted thanks to Brian Bagnall, which depicts a game which eventually would turn into Lord of the Rings, another game that never saw the light of day (on the C64 at least!) Towards the … Continue reading →
This is likely to be yet another vapourware title … but worth adding none the less… Steve Perry once won a competition with Commodore Format and met up with one of the editors called Andy (Hutch) Hutchinson. When talking to … Continue reading →
1989-1995 SideFX/Kimera Studios Platform: Commodore Amiga Our next title has come under various names over the years, Sergei, Sergei – the showdown and Sergei and the Isle of Belphegor. It sounds like a trio of games, but this was just … Continue reading →
The Shoot ‘Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK for short) is probably one of the most famous tools on the C64 of all time, spawning many hundreds (if not thousands) of creations, ranging from old tosh to some really superb creations. … Continue reading →
Not much is known about this game, apart from the fact it was released onto the Intellivision system in 1983, and an advert was placed in an old computer magazine. Sewer Sam was also planned for release on the Commodore … Continue reading →
Shades of Evil is a game which many of you will never have heard of, due to its almost non-existent publicity when in development. The game was part of a series of 3 games, some of which actually got out … Continue reading →
Our list of different editions of released C64 games continues to grow with the inclusion now of Shadow of the Beast. This came as a bit of a surprise to us, when Nick Pelling tweeted in 2022 that he had … Continue reading →
Mentioned in issue June 1986 of Commodore User, this was a game mentioned as coming soon along with 3 Days in Carpathia. It was described as an authentic ninja adventures and would have been written in The Biro like with … Continue reading →
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