An intriguing title by Mike Dailly, who is better known as the creator of Blood Money and Menace for Psygnosis… and then becomming one of the big names behind Lemmings. This is a title which Mike recently released to the … Continue reading →
After seeing the awesome Xenon 2 on the Amiga/ST, Mike Dailly wondered to himself whether he could get a similiar parallax effect, with instead of a looped pattern as a parallax layer…. have a separate bitmap as the parallaxed layer. … Continue reading →
Gore was a rather interesting idea which was being developed in 1990 by DMA Designs, the guys behind the famous Lemmings, which was to follow a year after this game. The game was to be similiar to Golden Axe, with … Continue reading →
Yet another Lemmings conversion for the C64, but this time an official conversion which surprisingly was almost done by DMA Designs themselves! During the development of Lemmings, Mike Dailly who worked as part of DMA at the time got working … Continue reading →
Yet another title enters the archives, and this time by the development team behind Lemmings on the Amiga. This was obtained from DMA Design’s own tribute webpage, and was released into the world by Mike Dailly for people to check … Continue reading →
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