Not to be confused with The Catacombs by Anirog that was released a few years earlier, this was to be a text adventure release in a nice large clam box by Classic Quests around 1986 time. This was something that … Continue reading →
Thanks to Richard Cosner, it has been found that the game was infact completed and released. SIR’86 did a loading picture which was done just to keep the publisher happy for the time being. It seems this was unused. Case … Continue reading →
This was to be a text adventure release in a nice large clam box by Classic Quests around 1986 time. This was something that was done to a few Supersoft games written by Brian Cotton, so we believe that Brian … Continue reading →
A very quick and interesting entry which stems from the very last issue of Your Commodore magazine (Better known as YC issue 84). In the news section, it was stated that Sales Curve had signed up an exclusive deal with … Continue reading →
Another fleeting reference to an unreleased C64 game here, this time found in Zzap Issue 13 (Page 92, no less!). The text is quoted below: It has a broadly Ultimate type look and feel, however the graphics are stronger and … Continue reading →
Now, this title has been in GTW64 before many moons ago – and was swiftly taken out – as it was believed that the game was just released as “The Chess Game” by Microclassic. Zzap strangely had reviewed the game … Continue reading →
Shogoth was to be the first big title from a garage studio in Milano, Italy operated by soon-to-be game journalists Fabio Rossi (editor of the Italian editions of Zzap!, The Games Machine and CVG, among others) and Stefano Giorgi (reviewer … Continue reading →
Not to be confused with CRL’s officially planned release, which was also cancelled. This was to be a completely different War of the Worlds game, but thankfully is one which has been out there all along. When recently trawling through … Continue reading →
From what looks like a compilation, Ultra Games was some kind of gaming olympics title. An Epyx-style olympics game, with each event being a particular genre of computer game. Mentioned within the news pages of Zzap 64, the following 9 … Continue reading →
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