This is a game which I have known about for many years. I first became good friends with Jason Kelk when I found out that he was a big C64 enthusiast that worked in one of my local computer gaming … Continue reading →
A game which the preview text specifies was due to be released on the 15th October 1994. People were asked to keep an eye on Commodore Format for any news and look for their advertisements. Although the title and static … Continue reading →
Yet another early preview and not a huge amount going on at this stage. Here you control a simple ghost like sprite which must collect a key from a room with blue blobs and get to a gate at the … Continue reading →
Another game in the lost Psytronik game saga, sadly a result of poor support of their titles back in the C64’s dying days. Everwar was another SEUCK title in development by Alf Yngve, and was inspired by Joe Haldeman’s novel … Continue reading →
Fears of darkness was the result of a budding programmer at the age of 18 wishing to produce a "Turrican-esq" game. 64er magazine had released Manfred Trenz’s Katakis Development System which was to be the inspiration for Falk to get … Continue reading →
One of our last games to focus on from Psytronik which never saw the light of day is Fighting Cops. This seems to be the 5th game in the series, following on from the other unreleased SEUCK “Cops” sequel, “Cops … Continue reading →
Following on from Lost Robot 2 is another preview of a game which seems to have not quite made it. Markt & Technik are believed to have been the people who would have published the game, as the name is … Continue reading →
A great little game which never really seemed to fit into the category it was placed under. The game strangely was situated within Binary Zone PD on one of their PD games disks. A game of commercial quality and addictive … Continue reading →
The game hasn’t got no name, but neither does it have much in the way of things to do at this stage either. What we have here is a single static screen with a diver character – who must first … Continue reading →
In 2009, Hungarian musician Peter Nagy-Miklos (NecroPolo) – with the help of iAN CooG – released several previously unheard tunes. Included among them was all the music for an unfinished game known as “Geister”. Peter describes what happened: “My second … Continue reading →
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