Captain Fizz V1

Get your magnified glass out, as our next entry is one which you may think is a released game, but it isn’t quite – unless you look very closely! Captain Fizz was a cool 2 player split screen Gauntlet-style game … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 26
Get your magnified glass out, as our next entry is one which you may think is a released game, but it isn’t quite – unless you look very closely! Captain Fizz was a cool 2 player split screen Gauntlet-style game … Continue reading
A game by Frank Herrman, which was to be sold by the Tronic Verlag (those who published the ‘ASM’), but it was never seen. It was judged as a very good and playable game. The description given in the magazine … Continue reading
Castle Boy may have actually seen a release, but in very limited numbers. The game was offered for sale as part of a GEMS compilation pack by Digital Dynamite. An advert was listed in Issue 61 of Zzap, with a … Continue reading
An interesting title only really known about due to its very brief inclusion on Commercial Breaks (A BBC documentary from 1984 which documented on Imagine and Ocean, and saw the amazing collapse of Imagine as it happened – grab it … Continue reading
Chatting with team member Gary Spence the other day, Gary wondered if he had perhaps an over-active imagination when looking at Elite’s Cataball game one evening. A game that was released on one of their Hit-Paks, but then spruced up … Continue reading
Thanks to Gaz Spence, we can confirm that this game was released by CP Verlag in 1993… Case closed!
You all remember Reflective Designs and the various games produced and coded by Duncan Kershaw for Players, Zeppelin and Codemasters? Well, we all have to start out somewhere – and Duncan first got into coding on the C64 by programming … Continue reading
You may be screaming at me for putting this game in the archives, but this is no normal version of Chiller. The game basically was originally withdrawn due to the connection to Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video at the time … Continue reading
Another early build entry into the GTW64 archives, and this time with an early and classic Ocean title – Chinese Juggler. This earlier build was highlighted by contributor Csaba Virag, who spotted that this version had a different start up … Continue reading
Was it or wasn’t it? The question which has been asked for sometime about whether Chuck Rock on the C64 was ever officially released. To be honest, we had assumed it was – but was just a pain in the … Continue reading
This game was originally brought to the attention of GTW thanks to Jason Kelk, who reported that a guy called Ian Bean (Ian/Fusion) had contacted a C64 message board, asking for a game which he and a guy called Ted … Continue reading
Chutes and Ladders is another long lost educational game to add to the GTW archives, and another which we know little about at the moment. It is assumed from the title that it is a kind of Snakes and Ladders … Continue reading
If anyone can remember the scanner pages in C-Format, they will probably remember seeing CJ In Space being in there, but that didn’t emerge in the end. So it was a surprise to uncover a 4th game in the series, … Continue reading
Next up in GTW64 is a title called Codename Desert Storm which was brought to light by its coder Duncan Kershaw. The game was intended for release by Players in 1991 time, and was a sort of Choplifter game where … Continue reading
Coined is a rather simple game in similar style to Connect 4. The game for many years has remained a preview and was never to be completed until now. The game was written as a bit of run before it … Continue reading
A new entry into the GTW64 archives thanks to Denis Evans of The Retro Cavern fame. Connections is a simple 1-4 player “fill the boxes” type strategy game which was written long before their other game Defector, which is also … Continue reading
1984 Ultimate Play The Game Platform: BBC Micro Generally if we talk of unreleased games and Ultimate, instantly we think back to the infamous “Mire Mare” which has haunted us for many years. Instead we have had to make do … Continue reading
We’ve been treated to some great recoveries of late by Black Beard, and in August 2021 – we have got to see even more findings. This time was a title that was originally released on the PET and VIC 20 … Continue reading
Our next entry into the archives is an obscure BASIC game which doesn’t seem to be fully preserved and was developed by Matthias Weber in 1983. The game was discovered on some disks by Csaba Virag. It is a simple … Continue reading
This is an unofficial conversion of a simple, yet addictive Nintendo game called "Crab Grab". You control a small man who must get rid of all the grabbers and try not to be caught yourself by the oncoming grabbers that … Continue reading
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