An exclusive title to GTW and for the Christmas update of 2006. Thanks to Dave Spicer, our next title was originally known only as “Block game” due to not being given a proper name during its development, but we later … Continue reading →
An entry into the archives that makes us a little sad, as this was a promising Theme Park inspired game that was due for the C64 from Arlasoft and Nick Sherman around 2020. Nick had made very good progress getting … Continue reading →
Habitat was a glimpse into the future way back in 1987, and was to take the SCUMM engine of Maniac Mansion and push it into an online world. The game was to be multi-player based and used in conjunction with … Continue reading →
This isn’t much of a game, but in some way I actually like it. You control a very colourful glow-worm type creature, which flys through a colourful set of parallax stars backdrop. You must collect as many of the objects … Continue reading →
Psionic was an intriguing title which was being developed by Robert Trevellyan, who later went on to work for Bitmap Bros and produce the likes of Speedball 2 on the Amiga. His first commercial venture was for this game at … Continue reading →
A strange entry now into the GTW64 archives, which is thanks to JazzGhostrider for highlighting on the Lemon64 forums, and then getting in touch with GTW64 to see if we knew anything. Roadwars was a conversion of a game that … Continue reading →
Before the hits of “Cybernoid”, “Stormlord”, “Smash TV”.. Nick Jones also took part in a C64 conversion of a Speccy title, “SAS Strike Force” for Mikrogen software ( back in around 1987. The game was essentially a sideways scrolling run … Continue reading →
A short entry for now, as we are not 100% certain if a Commodore 64 conversion was ever on the cards. Stainless Steel was an arcade adventure game split into around four sections overall. You would start out on foot, … Continue reading →
Following on from the recent look at the strange earlier (or later?) version of Super Hang On with larger bikes but less of them, Martin/Stadium64 highlights that there was a strange late US release which was to include a Commodore … Continue reading →
Some of you may have wondered in the past if Beyond The Ice Palace was meant to have been a Thundercats game. Certainly the main character looks the part, albeit with blond hair – so it was fairly plausable. Well … Continue reading →
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