No we’re not mad – but it seems that Elite had planned 3 Thundercats games to be released in 1988. The first in the series was Gargoyle Games’ Thundercats – The Lost Eye of Thundera. The second eventually turned into … Continue reading →
Mentioned at the end of the first game, Tiger Road 2 was of course the sequel to the not too bad Capcom game. The C64 conversion of the original was good for rose tinted reasons (I loved it!) – comparing … Continue reading →
Time Fighter was one of two games that was to be released by a Danish company called “Future Games Development” in the Autumn of 1988. Sadly it was never to be, but thanks to a search by contributor Mads, we … Continue reading →
Yes, Time Scanner was actually released on the C64, and many of you can claim to own it. But how many of you can claim to own the version that should have been? Or should we say “versions”? In July … Continue reading →
Destiny Software was a short-lived publisher active in 1988. Their demise has already produced one GTW, The Bobby Yazz Show, but the game that was planned to be their first release is another. Titan Find was described in issue 32 … Continue reading →
A rather intriguing title from "The Edge" this time, and one which to be honest i’ve never really heard of before until now. The only mention seems to have been in Soft 1988, Issue 2, and no UK magazines at … Continue reading →
Combining comedy and, er, cycling, Tour De Force was due for release by Gremlin Graphics in 1988 yet never materialized on the C64, despite being released on the Spectrum and CPC. Your objective is to cycle through various locations around … Continue reading →
‘Tower Toppler’ was basically the American version of Nebulus…. and none other than John Romero of Doom fame was beind it apparently. Nebulus basically involved you controlling a frog which had to be guided up a tower, all the way … Continue reading →
Trantor was a fairly well received game, but mainly for its awesome music and graphics. The game itself sucked a little bit, but overall it still has its fans. Recently C64 endings discovered that at the end of the first … Continue reading →
Believed to be part of what was meant to be a “Crazy” series, Trick Ramp Crazy was to follow Combat Crazy on the Silverbird range. It never surfaced, although being mentioned as a title for C64, Amstrad and Spectrum. It … Continue reading →