Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Welcome to Games That Weren't!
We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history since 1999.
Please Browse our archive and discover the many entries that we host for many different platforms.
More from Ross Sillifant, with an interview with Nigel Kershaw. Take it away Ross!…
It is my absolute pleasure to be able to interview Mr. Nigel ‘Pig’ Kershaw, so Nigel, if you would be so kind, could you take a moment to tell our readers just who you are and where and what you’ve worked on during your time in the video games industry?
I’m a games designer by trade, always have been since dropping out of university in 1989. Back then there weren’t many people who called themselves designers, and certainly no degrees that taught Games Design. I fell into it because I used to run games of D&D for a bunch of folks who happened to make videogames. They wanted to make a computer RPG, I thought that sounded better than the burger-flipping McJob I fallen into. 25 years later, much to my parents chagrin, I’m still avoiding ‘proper’ jobs.
In that time I’ve been involved in the design of about eighteen published games and a host of others that fell by the wayside. I’ve worked for numerous studios including Ocean, Psygnosis and Sony, and designed in genres as diverse as point and click adventures, space sims, racing, platformers, A.R. and text adventures.
Q) Opening question has to be…’Pig’ Kershaw? Dare we ask…lol…
Ross Sillifant provides GTW with another new interview, this time with Franck Sauer. Take it away Ross! …
It is with great pleasure I get the chance to ‘chat’ to another industry legend, Franck Sauer, so Franck, without further ado, could you please introduce yourself to our readers and give us a little background info on your good self, if you could be so kind:
Hey Ross, my pleasure. Well it all goes back to when I was 13, I started doing pixel graphics and small programs in BASIC on my first computer, a Ti-99/4a back in 1982. Making stuff happen on the TV screen was just black magic at the time, and I got hooked pretty quickly. A few years later, I met a friend at school who was programming on C64.
I wasn’t too bad at doing art for the 8 bit machine, so we decided to create a game together in our spare time, every evening after school. It took us three years to finish it, but the game (‘never Outside’) eventually got published and it was our entry ticket for the buoyant games industry.
I got hired by Ubisoft to work on 8 bit games such as ‘Iron Lord’ and from there moved back onto independent development on the Amiga. I never stopped working in the games industry since. What I really love about making games is the combination of art and technology, as I’ve never been able to choose one over the other.
Ross Sillifant has very kindly offered us an interview with Geoff Phillips (of Mighty Bombjack (c64) fame among others) to put onto the site, so without further delay i’ll hand you over to Ross…
As part of my on-going series of interviews intended to get some of our ‘lesser known’ coding heroes the coverage they deserve, it’s with great pleasure i’m able to put a few questions to a Mr Geoff Phillips……
A quick post to show some magazine scans reporting on the cancelled Aliens: Colonial Marines title on the PS2, thanks to Ross Sillifant.
Seems even more staggering that as technology grows, the expense of cancellations is far greater – especially with a game shaping up as nicely as this was.
Thanks to Ross Sillifant, Andrew Holdroyd gives some brief history about his C64/Vic 20 days and any released and unreleased works:
“The Vic20 was the first computer I owned and learned my trade on it. The first wave of home computers (Vic, Spectrum, Atari 400/800 etc) started around the time I left school. I joined British Telecom as an apprentice and after some deliberating bought a VIC, partly because it was cheap and had a ‘proper’ keyboard and also someone I knew well at BT owned a PET so the name was one I knew.
It was an uphill struggle learning to program it but I persevered and produced a few basic programs that were published in magazines. To give you an idea how much of a novice I was then, I could not understand why my programs were so much slower than commercial games. Long before you could ‘Google it’ I eventually learned that to get your programs running faster needed something called ‘machine code’ so I went to a computer shop in Manchester and asked an assistant ‘can the vic 20 do machine code?’ He paused, then said ‘Erm… yes.’
The magazines led to me doing a little freelance work for the multitude of start up games companies springing up around the Manchester area doing piecework and producing tool and utility programs which gave me a peek into the world of commercial software.
By now the C64 was around. I bought the Zaks 6502 programming book, the programmers reference guide and a Mikro assembler cartridge and later a 1541 drive. Many people complained about basic 2.0 in the Vic and 64 but I think for me it made the transition to assembler so much easier. Just switch PEEK and POKE for LDA and STA!
It was around this time that the then state owned British Telecom was heading for privatization and the shop floor was rife with rumors of mass redundancies which at 19 years old I found a little scary. At the same time my contact list in the software world led me to a company called Menton Technology looking for staff making micro controller boards so I decided to take the opportunity.
Working at Menton was fun at first but soon became a little mundane. You were given a flowchart to write the code. ‘If input A goes high, output C should go low’ ‘If input B is high and input D is low, wait 20ms and set output B high’ etc.
I had been working on my own game in my spare time as a learning exercise. I learned one very important lesson. MAKE BACKUPS! One of my disks became damaged and I had to virtually start again although with the experience I’d had by then the second version was an improvement and I sent the game off to a couple of publishers. Who should come back with an offer? My old employer BT! They got me a couple of Rob Hubbard tracks to add to it and ‘Train Robbers’ was published on their budget ‘Firebird’ label.
It was a weird sensation seeing my game on the shop shelves and pictures in magazines. It was even awarded a ZZap64 Silver medal!
Menton eventually folded, I think because as the market for microcontrollers expanded then bigger companies were taking their business. So I had a published game and a Zzap 64 silver medal and Tiertex were looking for a 6502 programmer…”
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to Cory Kin, who has recently posted some disks for GTW64 to preserve – but also included a Zoom Floppy device for us to keep.
Already it’s proved invaluable in backing up C64 disks to PC and is saving a great deal of time and making the process easier for us. Many thanks Cory for your kind generosity!
Last update for September, which includes two previously unseen games from Jason Kelk in the form of Fireblaster and Crystal Chamber. In addition to this, some news of a previously unseen game by sample maestro Cycleburner and a number of updates too. Check them all out below!
This post came about after something interesting from RESET’s editor Kevin Tilley was sent through. Club Max Software club was an Australian ran software club that was fairly popular. They had a store which Kevin used to visit.
What’s interesting about them then? Well, take a look at the scan below – and you’ll notice inclusions such as Gauntlet 3, Dynablaster and Mega Twins. Did they really have copies of them in stock? Or was it pre-empting the new releases arriving in time to fulfil any orders made? Who knows! :)
Shortly after, contributor Cal got in touch with more adverts depicting games which were advertised in catalogues, but never sold. 7 pages are from a computer shop in the early 90’s in Perth, Western Australia called Amitar. It’s likely most of the games were never actually in stock!
When contacting developers to ask about their unreleased games, we often send a barrage of questions to bombard them. Sometimes the answers are pretty short, but other times we can get some brilliant answers which often tell a great story about that time.
David Jolliff was one such developer, who after asking some questions based on his low time on R-Type V1 – there were quite a few bits we wanted to share which didn’t fit into our GTW articles. David was happy to agree to us putting up this mini Q/A as a result…
DISCLAIMER: We are a non-profit digitisation project, aiming to digitally preserve software and history which would otherwise be lost for good. If for any reason there is anything that you do not wish to be on the website, please contact us for removal.
Games That Weren't® is the registered trademark of Frank Gasking.