1999-2000 Pukka Games
Platform: PC
The Ravaging was a third person PC action adventure game that was being developed by Pukka Games between 1999-2000, where you controlled an angel from hell. According to “10ahu” from an old ASSEMBLERgames.org thread (who we assume worked on the game), it was an action title which was worked on by a tiny studio of great people.
10ahu had found the demo rotting away on a CD from back in the day, which had other assets and video files that sadly got corrupted. The part of the disk with the demo was fortunately still working though. Within the demo folder were also a series of development notes about how to run and control the game.
Everything was first highlighted to us by LiqMat(rix), who had got a copy of the demo from the old thread. He had managed to get the demo working on modern hardware and offered to share a video he was producing to showcase how the game looked. Continue reading