Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history since 1999.

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1987 CRL

Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64

A short entry for a title that we believe may have had a Commodore 64 conversion planned at some point. It seems to have been also planned for Amiga, Atari ST and Spectrum platforms too.

Enchantress was a title due for release by CRL, and written by Fergus McNeill. Thanks to CASA Solution archive, we learn that the game was set to feature RPG-like stats invisible to the player, and let them be affected by the weather.

A detailed preview was shown in C&VG magazine in October 1987, which seems to show ZX Spectrum screenshots.

Was the game ever started, why was it cancelled and could anything still exist of it today? Fergus spoke with CASA and suggested that it was just a proposed game that some mock-ups were done for and prelimary design work – but the project never really got going compared to Mindfighter that appeared later.

It’s unlikely that a C64 version exists in any form, but it would be great to see the ZX mockups one day!

With thanks to JazzGhostrider and CASA Solution Archive for the heads up and details.

Posted in: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Reviews, ZX Spectrum | Tagged: | Leave a comment

Parisian Knights

1989 Activision / Abstract Concepts

Platforms: ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 (see linked page)

Our next entry is for a title from the creators of Mindfighter by Activision, developed by Abstract Concepts and mentioned within the manual. We assume therefore that Activision were set to release the game around 1989 time.

Little is known so far, apart from that those behind the title were Fergus McNeill, Anna Popkess and John Popkess. However, within the Mindfighter manual, the following details were given:

“In the wake of the First World War, amid crumbling empires, economic depression swept the world. International tension eased but remained present as some countries sought refuge in the ideologies of Fascism and Communism.

It became and area of rebellion, civil war… and spies!

The story follows the progess of a French secret service agent, Monsieur Phillip Grouchy. Returning from a disastrous mission in London, Phillip is severly reprimanded by his superiors. Although certain that he was betrayed, he can show no evidence to excuse his failure. Subsequently, the success of his next mission is vital to regain lost credibility. However, as he discovers the ever-increasing dangers of his current assigments, he begins to suspect that he may be walking into a trap and that the traitor may be closer to him than he thought…”

Was the game ever started, why was it cancelled and could anything still exist of it today?

With thanks to Tobias Hultman and JazzGhostrider for the heads up and details.

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Goodnight Cruel World

1989 Activision / Abstract Concepts

Platforms: ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 (see linked page)

Our next entry is for a title from the creators of Mindfighter by Activision, developed by Abstract Concepts and mentioned within the manual. We assume therefore that Activision were set to release the game around 1989 time.

Little is known so far, apart from that those behind the title were Fergus McNeill, Anna Popkess and John Popkess. However, within the Mindfighter manual, the following details were given:

“By 1998, New York has become a violent police state. Ravaged by constant gang warfare and organised crime, the police have fallen back, leaving no-go areas in the control of the drug barons. Disease is rife and areas of the city are frequently sealed off to control an epidemic.

And yet, throughout all of this, life goes on as normally as possible for the people of Manhattan.

John Schulz is a computer operator for the Rosling Corporation. He lives with his girlfriend, Val, in a basement apartment in the Chinatown area.

One night after a row, Val leaves the apartment and vanishes. John’s worries turn to a nightmare when he learns that the police suspect him of foul play. Knowing the Justice Department’s ´Shoot First, Ask Questions Later´ policy, John goes into hiding.

His fugitive search for Val uncovers deeper crime and corruption than he ever imagined…”

Was the game ever started, why was it cancelled and could anything still exist of it today?

With thanks to Tobias Hultman and JazzGhostrider for the heads up and details.

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GTW64 September 2024 update

As we leave Summer and begin to enter into Autumn, we have more updates to the Commodore 64 archive with the following for the month:

Stargate found!

If you missed it earlier this month, then the long lost AtariSoft development of Stargate has been recovered.


5 new entries added

Harris House Software titlesMission ExtremeMonster BashSinisterTime Capsule

10 updates added

7 Minutes To MidnightBlack CauldronChampionship RunCovermount casualtiesIndustria 14Make My Day!Murder!Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3TetrisXamitlu

See you next month!

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Quarterstaff: The Tomb of Setmoth

1988 Infocom

Platforms: Apple II GS, PC

Quarterstaff: The Tomb of Setmoth is an RPG title that was created for the Apple Macintosh back in 1988 for Infocom. It featured text entry, but also a dynamically generated map and graphics throughout the game. The game was developed by Scott Schmitz and Ken Updike.

qstaff 003

In the game you would control Titus, sent by the Druid Council to explore remains of an abandoned colony. Along the way, you meet and recruit friends and improve your skills as you try and progress through the game. Continue reading

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Mars Cops

1988 Arcana Software

Platforms: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Commodore 64

Mars Cops is game that we’ve long covered within our C64 archive and we found after a mention A game in Zzap issue 49 on page 3 – listed as coming soon on the Amiga, Atari ST and C64. A few mentions were done of the game across a few issues, but sadly nothing was to ever surface.


Thanks to contributor Jason Lethert (who has trawled through and dug out a lot of information about the game via archive.org and Stephen Stuttard’s amazing scans), we learn now a lot more about the Amiga and ST editions which seemingly got much further ahead compared to the Commodore 64 edition. We are sceptical that an 8-bit version ever existed, but we keep an open mind until confirmation.

As you might guess, the game has you flying around the Mars terrain, but with a Afterburner’esq viewpoint with your ship travelling along the surface and in space. Perhaps it may even be closer to SEGA’s Galaxy Force, which was released around the same time – was that a major inspiration perhaps? Continue reading

Posted in: Atari ST, Commodore 64 (C64), Commodore Amiga, Reviews | Tagged: | 7 Comments

Last Ninja collection + unreleased titles

A quick news post to highlight that System 3 have launched a new Kickstarter to release a special Last Ninja collection on various platforms including PS5, PS4, Switch and PC.

Last Ninja advert image

Why are we reporting this? Well, the Diamond Ultimate Collection tier will offer previously unseen content with demos of Last Ninja 4 for the PC and IK++ on PC.

Unfortunately it has been made clear that the demos cannot be reproduced anywhere else upon release – so at best we’ll add some screenshots and video of the demos in action in the near future.

For more details, visit the Kickstarter page.

Posted in: News, PC | 2 Comments

Hydrogenese – Preview of a game missing for 35 years on the Commodore 64

Missing for 35 years, a preview of the long lost Hydrogenese on the Commodore 64 has finally been recovered by CBA/SCS+TRC. A brilliant early look at what could have been an amazing space shooter!

In addition to the shooter part of Hydrogenese being recovered, parts of the platformer elements were also saved. These have been added to the download thanks to CBA/SCS-TRC.

Read more about the title at:


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Time Capsule

1987 Keypunch Software

Platforms: Atari ST, Commodore 64, Atari 400/800, Apple II and PC

A very short entry for a title that was advertised within the manual of Aliants at the very end. Time Capsule was listed as “Coming Soon” and was a strategy action game.

Nothing else is known at this stage, and no version seems to have surfaced for any other platform. If you know anything more – please do get in touch.

With thanks to Michael Huth for highlighting.


Posted in: Apple II, Atari 400/800/XL, Atari ST, Commodore 64 (C64), PC, Reviews | Tagged: | Leave a comment

Early Paradroid screens added

Thanks to Andrew Braybrook, rare prototype Paradroid screens on the Commodore 64 (including early unused “fishbone” designs) were preserved for the excellent Graftgold book by Retro Fusion Books. Many didn’t make it inside, but thanks to Ste Day, here is a glimpse of them all in full.

All the screens can also be viewed in full glory on our prototype page on the game at: https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/gtw64/paradroid-v1/

To order the Graftgold book, please visit: https://fusionretrobooks.com/products/graftgold
(NOTE: Copies are running out fast!)

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