A game flagged as being intended for Firebird, but very unlikely that it was intended for release by them – but was possibly sent to them by Michael Holm for approval, and subsequently rejected. Well, Michael confirms that he doesn’t … Continue reading →
Also known as: Speedboat Assassins (on cover), 3D Boat Assassin (working title)
More from Mastertronic, this time from Binary Design who did a number of titles for the budget label. Speedboat Assassin was being worked on by Paul Gill and Haydn Dalton. Hayden was doing the graphics, with Paul Gill on the … Continue reading →
Squad One was a game that was produced by a crew called Groovy Bits back in 1989, first heard about thanks to a magazine article in Datormagazinet Issue #4/1989 (Released in March) in Sweden which interviewed the team about a … Continue reading →
Star Fighter was listed in a Triton Mail Order catalogue for the C64 and listed as a Cinematic Action in Space title with movie like effects. Solid 3D graphics were also stated, but there seems to be nothing of the … Continue reading →
The sequel to one of the biggest 16-bit vector games was started on the C64 way back in 1989, trying to improve on the original version. Way back in August 1988, the 16-bit versions were reviewed. In the interview with … Continue reading →
Yet another Firebird title which was never to see the light of day, and a rather promising Armalyte kind of game too! Storm Warrior was like Armalyte but with a full colour scroll (something pioneered at Ocean, scrolling the whole … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for now, as it has been suggested that there may have been a US version of Strider in development, before the Tiertex version was used instead. This was found via a comment on a Battle of … Continue reading →
“Strobe” is a new addition to GTW, in which at the time, not a lot of information was known. The game was an up and coming Pong style game set in the future, and the preview in the wild was … Continue reading →
Yet another strange one for the vaults of GTW… Originally it wasn’t known about until TGM shed some light. Originally this game was known from a strange set of advert slogans which were used in Zzap issue 40 back in … Continue reading →
Sword of Sodan was a hack and slash game that was released in 1989 on the Amiga, as well as the Sega Megadrive in 1990. It featured very large characters and did fairly well at the time. Reviewed in CVG, … Continue reading →
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