The Sixth Sense doesn’t seem to be anything to do with the film that appeared a few years later, but is a neat looking Dungeon Master style game from 1993 with a cool blue effect throughout. You can currently wander … Continue reading →
Mentioned in issue June 1986 of Commodore User, this was a game mentioned as coming soon along with 3 Days in Carpathia. It was described as a sience fiction saga and would have been written in The Biro like with … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that may or may not have ever been released. This title was flagged up by Mat Allen. This was an educational title that was to be released by Commodore on cartridge, and supporting the … Continue reading →
Also known as: The Valley
Text adventure from Kayde who went into administration at the 26th August 1983. Did Spectrum releases, tried to do C64 and Vic 20 ones, which never seemed to surface (or did they? – see below). The game in the advert … Continue reading →
Another game which was said to be released from Kele Line in 1987 (Mentioned in Soft, #1, January/February 1987, pg. 10). It is another title from Kele Line which we know little about, but we can guess what happened to … Continue reading →
A quick entry to cover part of a series of games which DK’Tronics were looking to release in late 1984, early 1985. A news item in the December 1984 edition of Personal Computer Games suggested that following on from a … Continue reading →
This game was the satire of British political life in the guise of a parody of The Hobbit. It is rumoured that this game was unreleased because of poor sales of the game Denis Through the Drinking Glass by the … Continue reading →
In Commodore User April 1988, a news item was printed which tells us that Robtek (Who did various bits of hardware in the day) had an arrangement with an American organisation called Key-punch, where they would get 3 film licences … Continue reading →
The Tripods was to be a graphic adventure game based on the John Christopher novels / BBC TV adaption, featuring creatures which look like something out of War of the Worlds. The adverts mentioned that the game would promise something … Continue reading →
Not a lot is really sadly known about this game, even if it bore any resembalance to Thing On A Spring!… This is a title which was first mentioned to GTW by Martin Holland before he passed away. The game … Continue reading →