838 results for: Coding = Unknown
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A-Team, The

1989 The Edge

Also known as: The A-Team

A possibly late licence for The Edge to consider, but The A-Team was a particular game which they had in the pipeline. There had been previous attempts, such as a poor VCS 2600 version, so maybe there was hope in … Continue reading


1983 Brøderbund

Thanks to Marco Das, we learn that Brøderbund’s early single screen shooter title A.E was apparently due for release on the Commodore 64. Released on the likes of the Apple, Atari and Commodore Vic 20, a C64 version was referenced … Continue reading


1996 Unknown

A.P.E.X thumbnail

A Review Zak and Maniac Mansion type adventure A.P.E.X stands for Advanced Prototype EXploration Unit, and is the beginning of a fair looking Operation Wolf clone. The preview features some average graphics and good music, and smoothly scrolls along. Although … Continue reading


1983 Thor Software

A short entry for a Thor Software game that was advertised back in August 1983 in Compute! magazine (volume 5, issue 8). This has been highlighted thanks to Bertrand / Atari Frog. The game was described as “The Alphabet for … Continue reading