838 results for: Coding = Unknown
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199? Unknown

Tuc thumbnail

Nah, its nothing to do with Cheeze biscuits or Consevative Party conferences in Brighton, but is a rather early version of a Mayhem clone. When I say "Clone", it seems to be just that, with most the graphics seem to … Continue reading

Turf Form

1989 Blue Ribbon

This was thought to be a lost game, but we have been informed that a release was made. http://s64.emuunlim.com/gameinfos/turfform/turfform.htm This entry as a result will be removed in the future. Case closed!

Twice Shy

1986 Mosaic

Twice Shy thumbnail

Ram Jam Corporation, famous for their adventure games and Dandy, teamed up with Mosaic to create their next game Twice Shy, an adventure game based on the Dick Francis novel about a computer program which predicts race results. The Commodore … Continue reading

Twin Ranger

1988 Starvision

Thanks for the heads up from Jazzcat – Twin Ranger was a game that was mentioned in Danish Magazine IC RUN Nov/Dec 1988. It was briefly mentioned as being developed, from a newsletter from Starvision’s owner Ivan Sølvason. Shortly after … Continue reading