A very quick entry, as this could well be vapourware. The original TT Racer sadly never got a C64 release, but strangely there was a news snippet in Commodore User which suggested that a new TT Racer 2 game was … Continue reading →
Nah, its nothing to do with Cheeze biscuits or Consevative Party conferences in Brighton, but is a rather early version of a Mayhem clone. When I say "Clone", it seems to be just that, with most the graphics seem to … Continue reading →
Another title which is sadly currently lost. Highlighted by Peter Weighill, Tunes n Trivia was a pop quiz game released in the USA and which seems to have only been sold via mail-order. As a result, the game could have … Continue reading →
A car racing game which was released on the Amiga, Amstrad and Spectrum. A C64 version was mentioned as coming soon in The Games Machine around 1989 time. The Spectrum version seemed to have got a release only on budget … Continue reading →
This was thought to be a lost game, but we have been informed that a release was made. http://s64.emuunlim.com/gameinfos/turfform/turfform.htm This entry as a result will be removed in the future. Case closed!
Turner Software was the label by Commodore Cracker’s editor Brian Turner. This was his own label where he attempted to inject some new C64 games into the market to save the machine from dying. Unfortunately the games were just to … Continue reading →
Ram Jam Corporation, famous for their adventure games and Dandy, teamed up with Mosaic to create their next game Twice Shy, an adventure game based on the Dick Francis novel about a computer program which predicts race results. The Commodore … Continue reading →
Twilight Zone was to be a graphic adventure based on the popular TV series of the 80’s. The game was being produced and eventually got a release on the Amiga and on PC. The C64 version was coming (and listed … Continue reading →
Thanks for the heads up from Jazzcat – Twin Ranger was a game that was mentioned in Danish Magazine IC RUN Nov/Dec 1988. It was briefly mentioned as being developed, from a newsletter from Starvision’s owner Ivan Sølvason. Shortly after … Continue reading →
Twister is probably one of the more historic GTW titles that we have come across, not for its gameplay, but for the troubles it caused around the time of its publicity… Firstly the working title for the game was “Mother … Continue reading →
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