830 results for: Coding = Unknown
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Arcane Quest

1983 Kayde

Arcane Quest thumbnail

Also known as: Arcaine Quest

Text adventure from Kayde who went into administration at the 26th August 1983. Did Spectrum releases, tried to do C64 and Vic 20 ones, which never seemed to surface. The game in the advert (Two adverts were submitted by Peter … Continue reading


1986 Lothlorien

Another 3D vector game in the style of Stella 7 and Mercenary, Arena was a rather ambitious project by the quiet company Lothlorien. Stated for release across most formats back in 1986, the game never made it at least onto … Continue reading


1990 Mirrorsoft

Intriguing title for our next GTW comes in the form of Asylum. From a feature on a show in Your Commodore magazine, the game was described in more detail as a top view three player interactive heavy metal fantasy action … Continue reading


1984 Slogger

Aviatak was brought to my attention by a C64 scener on the forum, who kindly submitted the scan of the game in question. Publicised with a full page advert back in a Dec 1984 issue of Personal Computer Gamer, Aviatak … Continue reading


199? Unknown

Axeman thumbnail

Axeman is a title which we currently know very little about. All we have is a single screenshot which we have had in a folder for many years. We’re hoping that the screenshot may jog some memories about the game … Continue reading