A working title, but a Bolderdash Clone was indeed in production with graphics being carefully pixelled by Shaun Pearson. Code was being done by Simon (Uzzy) Collis of Entropy. What can be said about the game, apart from that interest … Continue reading →
A perhaps bad taste name for a game, this is a simple puzzler with some nice music and graphics – but doesn’t seem to have much to do at this stage. It seems that you are meant to just press … Continue reading →
It’s always a shame when you come across a title which is still fairly recent, but seems to have just been left by the wayside. Brickout is one such game, which when released back in 2007 in its preview form, … Continue reading →
Another puzzler, and an Othello/Reversi clone at that. Apparently it is actually complete, but with a rather crap computer oponent according to Cal :) The game looks nice so far, and is quite early in its production stage. There are … Continue reading →
Now here is something which originally set a few hearts going off… Is this the long lost Hawkeye 2 we thought? No, unfortunatly not so we found out… but possibly a contender for a unofficial sequel. This is a very … Continue reading →
There have been numerous updates to Bruce Lee (the classic Datasoft game from 1984) over the years, and there was also once another from Andrea Schincaglia and Saul Cross in 2014. A sooped up version of the original game with … Continue reading →
Hands up who remembers that old Software Project’s game "Crazy Balloon" ?… You know, the one based on that ancient old arcade machine with monocrome char graphics, where you guided the baloon around the maze to the exit. Well, taking … Continue reading →
Bubbles was a 2D, 4 directional scrolling shoot-em-up. Not really a metalic and violent shooter, but one made as a children’s shoot ’em up. This game was bought up by Jared Derret who has kindly shed light on a number … Continue reading →
For many years we had been waiting for a decent Puzzle Bobble clone, then Monster Buster happened in 2013 as part of the RGCD competition. Before that, there were a few attempts at converting the game – and Busta was … Continue reading →
A new entry for a title which is a more recent C64 production, not one which was produced back in the day. Captain Future was to be a game based on a science fictional character who is a space travelling … Continue reading →
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