An early preview from 1987 this time, and a fairly simple Sprint clone with hi-res graphics. This was at a time that Super Sprint was making its debut on the C64 from the arcades, and was looking a lot glossier … Continue reading →
Probably one of the strangest GTW titles i’ve had to enter – but this is no joke, but an actual game which we are trying to recover and may well have been released. It’s just missing, and has been highlighted … Continue reading →
Galactic Enforcer was a 2 way horizontal scrolling SEU where you controlled a red alien that had to take out other alien enemies. Created by Marc Walters of Cronic The Badger fame, this sounds an interesting title… Your main ship … Continue reading →
Another later in life C64 game which seems to have fallen by the wayside in the shape of a modernized Galaga clone. It seems that this particular preview is a little broken, as the background is white and pretty garish. … Continue reading →
Controlling what looks like a sprite from one of Alf Yngve’s Cyforce game, this is another static preview with some pretty backdrops and no real substance. There are some sprite waves chucked in, but nothing much else at this stage. … Continue reading →
The game hasn’t got no name, but neither does it have much in the way of things to do at this stage either. What we have here is a single static screen with a diver character – who must first … Continue reading →
A bizzarely named game which was reviewed very quickly by Peter Staaks back in 1997 in one of the main fanzines at the time. It was a pacman clone which had a preview released apparently and which Peter gave some … Continue reading →
Ok ok, this may not be a proper C64 game planned for big time release by a big C64 company, but it must be taken seriously at least until the creators clear up its intentions about this game. The game … Continue reading →
More simple space shooting now with Genocide – a sideways scrolling blaster over a cool starfield effect. It’s a bit like Roy Fielding’s Frantic, but with not much going on at this stage. There are some attack waves, but no … Continue reading →
A puzzler game with our next entry which existed first as a splash screen and some graphics. The game involves you controlling a virus and having to kill a mainframe using some sort of "VOS" (Virus Operating System) from the … Continue reading →
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