Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Unreleased and Cancelled Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving video game history since 1999.

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Perplexus Diodomin

2002 James Boulton

Platform: Game Boy Advance

Perplexus Diodomin was a Game Boy Advance title that was in development back in 2002 by James Boulton (code), with graphics done by James (tile graphics), James Barnard (tile graphics and music) and Jamie Bamborough (character sprites).

per4 large

James Boulton was (and still is!) a huge fan of Puzznic, enjoying the title form its release on the Atari ST back in the day. He had started writing a version of the game on the Atari ST originally when he was 15, but didn’t get very far. He always had the idea of doing a Puzznic style game in the back of his mind though. Continue reading

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Super Skweek

1991 Loriciel

Platform: PC (DOS)

A short entry for now for a PC conversion of the Amstrad CPC, Amiga, Atari ST and Atari Lynx puzzler sequel. Highlighted to GTW by contributor EAD.

Plans for the PC seem to be on very solid grounding, as the manuals feature loading instructions for that version of the game, and the original was released for DOS just over a year before. However, it seems to have never surfaced. Continue reading

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1991 Nick Pelling

Platform: Commodore Amiga

Frak! is an absolute classic on the BBC Micro, starring caveman Trogg as you navigated across various trecharous levels with your trusty yo-yo.


It is no surprise then to learn that there had been plans to bring Trogg to 16-bit platforms at some stage, and Commodore User magazine would report this back in August 1991. Continue reading

Posted in: Amiga, Reviews | Tagged: | 3 Comments

Roll Call

2005 SCi

Platforms: Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Xbox

A short entry to cover an earlier incarnation of Eidos Iteractive’s Urban Chaos: Riot Response. The game began life as a sequel to SWAT: Global Team Strike, before evolving into Roll Call.

SCi would rescue the project after the collapse of Argonaut and later be released under the above name. Thanks to Hidden Palace, there are already early prototypes of the game in its earlier incarnations which you can find here:

Recently in October 2021, we were provided with a Qualitative Game Evaluation on Roll Call dated June 2005. By this stage, SCi were involved. Check it out below:

The document aimed to review the current build and specifics of the title so far, plus the name of the game to come up with something more fitting. This was done by having four extended group discussions lasting two hours, with one-hour gameplay.

It is a fascinating look at the development process and how the game was viewed at that point in time, as well as the decisions that led to its eventual renaming to Urban Chaos: Riot Response.

This is pretty much why we have created this prototype entry so far, but if anything else relating to the game surfaces like this – then we will continue to add and update this page.

Posted in: PlayStation 2, Prototype, Xbox | Tagged: | Leave a comment

Super Productions Software games

Although the main purpose of Games That Weren’t is to preserve unreleased games, we occasionally try and share preservation efforts of ones which were actually released, but were extremely rare and yet to be preserved. Today we share preservation of a set of very rare Commodore Vic-20 games thanks to Vincent Procaccini.

case display

Vincent got in touch with GTW, as he was trying to find out more about an obscure set of Commodore Vic 20 games in his possession by Super Productions Software.

The only thing he could find out about the company was that they had the same address as “Album Globe Distribution”. So it seemed to be a company just trying to get in on the whole video game craze at the time, which I think K-Tel also did at one stage too with their double packs.

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Gyruss C64 prototype

1984 Parker Brothers

Platform: Commodore 64

Not quite a GTW64 entry, but an earlier build of the released Gyruss (a brilliant Konami arcade conversion) for the C64 – recovered thanks to preservationist Ken Van Mersbergen.

This prototype dated 2nd May 1984 was found within the collection of disks/materials from the archive of a retired programmer who used to work for Roklan and On-Time Software.

There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of differences that we’ve found so far apart from slightly different attack waves.

Professor Chaos got in touch via the comments to say that there are two differences to the final version and described by him as “theoretical or VERY rare glitches”. One in particular was where it goes straight to a level complete animation when all the enemies finish exploding.

In the final version, an extra check is added to make sure you are still alive (as you could still run into an enemy shot for example). Another difference was the removal of some code that when an enemy’s sprite block is blank, it’s y-position is set off-screen. Professor Chaos suggests that maybe this was unnecessary and removed to make room for the above fix in the first difference.

So, not a major difference to the final version at all – but good to see these different builds preserved, as you just never know what may surface.

A huge thank you to Ken Van Mersbergen for his fantastic preservation work and for preserving this prototype. Thank you to Professor Chaos for checking through the code and highlighting the minor differences present.


Posted in: Commodore 64, Prototype | Tagged: | 4 Comments

GTW64 October 2021 update

Apologies all, a bit manic at work and home this past month – so this month the update is a bit quieter than normal. Hopefully we’ll have a bit more time before the Christmas break to build up our usual large update of unreleased gems. So for this month we have:

2 new entries added

People from SiriusUnnamed game

7 updates added

BaseBloid BrosTiger Road 2Typhoon ThompsonUndeadX-MenZrenite

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2000 Trecision

Platform: PC

Gaming historian Damiano Gerli of The Genesis Temple in August 2021 produced a wonderful 3 part article on the history of Italian video game developer Trecision, which we highly recommend checking out if you haven’t already at https://genesistemple.com/the-history-of-trecision-software-part-i-let-the-games-do-the-talking

Within the 3rd part of the article, Damiano talks about a cancelled title named Samhain, which was in development around 2000 by the company. An in-house title that was being put together by a small team within Trecision, consisting of Federico Fasce, Marco Castrucci, Alessandro Giusti, Stefano Mariani and Tommaso Bennati.

screenshots Cripta03

Federico Fasce informed Damiano that the team had come to him with a FPS prototype that featured a “terrific gothic mood”. They had even taken pictures of graves from Rapallo’s cemetery at night time for textures. Federico felt though it should be more of a survival horror type game, than an actual first person shooter. Continue reading

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1994 Digital Illusions / Psygnosis

Platforms: Commodore Amiga and SEGA MegaDrive

Recently we reported on a lost SEGA MegaDrive conversion of Benefactor, which the press had wrongly attributed screenshots from another game called Hardcore.

Hardcore itself was a fantastic looking Turrican/Assassin clone developed by Digital Illusions, and was due for release on the SEGA MegaDrive. Sadly Psygnosis would pull the plug on all their 16-bit developments before the game would get a chance to be released.

In later years, thankfully the game would see release on the Mega SG as Ultracore. You can read more about this release and see the game in action thanks to Beyond The Scanline’s excellent review.

Amiganoid v2 001

Though what of the Commodore Amiga version? Well, Hardcore was originally being developed for that platform before it was decided to move all of the work across to the SEGA Megadrive. Various previews were shown in magazines at the time, such as The One and showcasing what was looking like a great action platformer. Continue reading

Posted in: Amiga, Amiga CD32, Mega Drive, Reviews | Tagged: | 2 Comments