Straight from the success of Last Ninja and just after the release of R-Type in the arcades, Mark Cale decided that he wanted to really see a R-Type C64 clone with graphics by Hugh Riley. The result was to eventually … Continue reading →
Brought to the attention of GTW by Commodore Zone magazine from their Star Wars special edition. “Empire Strikes Back” is (Surprise Surprise) based on the famous Star Wars film, but is not the official game, but a rather groovy looking … Continue reading →
A vague title in the dungeons of GTW. Unfortunately there is not currently much information on this game, but there was only the rumor of Rob Hubbard composing the music for this game. This now has been confirmed thanks to … Continue reading →
Gem Quest was a game from Hex (aka Cory) of Pixel Developments – A demo group from UK’s very own Compunet. Some of their demos got featured in ZZap!64 magazine (e.g. Hunter Killer). Unfortunately, due to further studies, the game … Continue reading →
A popular game on the Amiga in its early days, the C64 saw a conversion preview released of the game. I don’t know much about the game itself, apart from its recievement on the Amiga, and it mean’t to be … Continue reading →
Among ZZAP!s best-known features is issue 16’s “The Musician’s Other Ball”. This was an interview with Ben Daglish, Tony Crowther, David Whittaker and Rob Hubbard, talking about composing music for games and how they got into it. At the end … Continue reading →
Thanks to Fabrizio Bartoloni for making a good point that we should probably include the first edition of Internationl Karate in the GTW64 archives, which should have featured graphics by Jon Hare. International Karate was meant to have been one … Continue reading →
I should have added this to the GTW64 archive ages ago, but for some reason did a separate site post. What we have here is a rather different looking Knuckle Buster game on the C64 by Mat Sneap. Luckily in … Continue reading →
Could this have been Rob Hubbard’s final C64 swansong?… or is this just vapourware?… A few questions for our next entry, which is based on a popular basketball rivalry. This game was first released on the PC, and then later … Continue reading →
This game features the adventures of Leroy, a Lego character in a lego based world. The graphics are very cartoony, and very faithful to lego (No.. not blocky before you say!). Levels are portrayed over a horizontal push scroll landscape. … Continue reading →
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