1054 results for: Graphics = Unknown
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199? Unknown

Logic thumbnail

It has been found that thanks to one of our visitors, Helfried, that this game was in fact published by a German magazine called "Magic Disk Classic". The full game can be found on Gamebase here: http://www.gb64.com/game.php?id=4430&d=18&h=0 This entry is … Continue reading

Lost Maze

1995 Xenon

Lost Maze thumbnail

A classic 3D maze game, cloned again on the C64. Sadly, apart from a modern looking font, the actual game is not progressing any further than its 80’s counterparts. Graphically its very simplistic, and overall the gameplay is very simplistic, … Continue reading

Mach 3

1987 Loriciels

Mach 3 was a pseudo 3D racer which was released on the Amstrad (http://www.cpczone.net/game/2087), MSX and Spectrum (http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0002959), but it seems not on the C64 as stated to be coming soon by TGM in issue 03/88. Even though the game … Continue reading


199? Unknown

Sadly we know very little about this entry so far, but hopefully you do? The game was found out about thanks to HVSC recently digging out a series of tunes by Adam Gilmore. This one was titled Mad, but without … Continue reading