1041 results for: Graphics = Unknown
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Space Monkeys

1992 Fosters

An interesting title which could well be crossed off the list very early as a hoax, but should be reported anyway due to its mention in Issue 19 of Commodore Format. Space Monkeys was potentially Commodore Format’s duff April Fools … Continue reading

Spectral Sneer

1987 Unknown

Spectral Sneer thumbnail

Spectral Sneer is a neat early preview, where you can control either a Wizard or a Warrior in a sideways scrolling platformer, where you can go underground or above ground, fighting with various enemies. It’s fairly dinky, but pretty neat … Continue reading


1994 Unknown

Speed thumbnail

A very very early preview where you currently just scroll upwards on a never-ending road with nothing to really do or anywhere to go. It seems just like a basic test routine to start off with, which never got much … Continue reading