Another company entry, thanks to Peter Weighill, for a number of educational titles that are currently missing, and from another US based label called Sungem Educational Adventures. The following games were advertised with screenshots: Spelling Space Wars State Chase Kids … Continue reading →
Also known as: Super Contra or Super Commandos
Another game we’d better start looking for, and one which might be slightly harder for me being in the UK. Super C (Or Super Contra/Super Commandos) is a US only release it seems and one which had it been released … Continue reading →
Another title which could well be vapourware, and one which we may not need to do any searching. Super Cars 2 was never fully announced by Gremlin, though Games X magazine reported that the C64 version was coming soon and … Continue reading →
A strange little title with little known about it really. Super Daryna sounds like some kind of Mario rip off, but was infact a kind of RPG title coming to the C64 and Amiga platforms by the publishers of PP … Continue reading →
Thanks for the heads up from Jazzcat – Super Elite was a game that was mentioned in Danish Magazine IC RUN Nov/Dec 1988. It was briefly mentioned as being developed, from a newsletter from Starvision’s owner Ivan Sølvason. Sadly there … Continue reading →
Around the same time that World Class Rugby was announced, Audiogenic also announced a follow up to Emlyn Hughes called “Super League Manager”. The game was mentioned in issue 7 of Commodore Format and was being programmed by Gary Bassett. … Continue reading →
No, this isn’t another Giana Sisters, this was the real thing.. Orpheus were planning to convert the loveable plumber to our C64 screens. Orpheus are greatly remembered for Electrosound, but after seeing their game attempt, ‘The Young Ones’, Mario on … Continue reading →
Thanks for the heads up from Jazzcat – Super Pinball was a game that was mentioned in Danish Magazine IC RUN Nov/Dec 1988. It was briefly mentioned as being developed, from a newsletter from Starvision’s owner Ivan Sølvason. Sadly there … Continue reading →
Also known as: Wonderdog
Yet another Beyond Belief game which was planned and mentioned in the interview with Jim Scott. Information is a bit scarce, as all we currently know is that the game was to be a Super Wonder Boy clone where you … Continue reading →
Also known as: Suzuka GP World Rally
Another coin-op conversion by the arcade conversion masters, Elite. This was to be a conversion of the popular arcade game, and was an ambitious one to do at that. Sadly although mentioned (albeit briefly) in Commodore Format, the game never … Continue reading →