1073 results for: Graphics = Unknown
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1990 Mirrorsoft

Intriguing title for our next GTW comes in the form of Asylum. From a feature on a show in Your Commodore magazine, the game was described in more detail as a top view three player interactive heavy metal fantasy action … Continue reading


1984 Slogger

Aviatak was brought to my attention by a C64 scener on the forum, who kindly submitted the scan of the game in question. Publicised with a full page advert back in a Dec 1984 issue of Personal Computer Gamer, Aviatak … Continue reading


199? Unknown

Axeman thumbnail

Axeman is a title which we currently know very little about. All we have is a single screenshot which we have had in a folder for many years. We’re hoping that the screenshot may jog some memories about the game … Continue reading


19?? Unknown

Bad thumbnail

A very simple horizontal scrolling shooter at this stage, which has plenty of promise – but hasn’t got very far at all. No attack waves and just a movable ship over a simple background. Did this ever get any further … Continue reading