1983 Romox
Released on the Atari, Vic 20 and TI-99/4A, this wasn’t a clone of the arcade game of the same name, but was closer to Dig Dug in many ways. The game was additionally advertised for the Commodore 64, but has … Continue reading
Cancelled & Unreleased Video Games for the Commodore 64 Since 1999
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Released on the Atari, Vic 20 and TI-99/4A, this wasn’t a clone of the arcade game of the same name, but was closer to Dig Dug in many ways. The game was additionally advertised for the Commodore 64, but has … Continue reading
A very quick entry for another MMG Micro game that we know very little about. It is thanks to collector John Christian Lønningdal that we learn about the title. The game was released, and it seems offered up for auction … Continue reading
A short entry for a title that has been highlighted by Peter Weighill as one which is currently missing. As you might have guessed from the title, the game is a Craps simulation that was developed after years of actual … Continue reading
Yet another short entry, and probably a case open and closed before we even start. This was to be a conversion of the Amiga helecopter game that was being created by Jason Perkins and later taken over by Miracle Games … Continue reading
Along with Sword of Samurai, Appointment with Fear was to be yet another Fighting Fantasy game on the C64 from US Gold according to This game in particular was to be based around super heroes and we presume would … Continue reading
A well received game on the Amiga, “Apprentice” was to be another great release from Rainbow Arts in 1990. The game made its way into magazines, via double sided adverts, but as usual the game never surfaced on the C64. … Continue reading
A very short entry for now for a game that was one of many that never quite made it from Crystal Software back in the later end of the 90’s. This game was to be underwater shoot-em-up from what we … Continue reading
What seems to be a very promising preview at the start, with a lot of really nice glossy presentation and graphics – when you start this preview, you are pretty much greeted by a static bitmap and some test sprites … Continue reading
Another GTW title which has been sat in waiting in the GTW file for almost an eternity. Arc Doors 2 is a sequel which was apparently in production by New Entry, after the success of the first game, which was … Continue reading
A fairly obscure title this time from U.S. Gold. Arcade Wizzard is a pinball game which was briefly mentioned in one or two magazines before disappearing off the face of the earth. Zzap! 64 was on magazine to feature the … Continue reading
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