Another game from D-Lite, which unfortunatly doesn’t offer to much new to the user in terms of gameplay or style. Its another game on a still screen with the falling ship wave syndrome… how many more do we need? Anyway, … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a title we know very little about at present, but was advertised in Personal Computer Games 1984 (Issue 8) by Visions Software. Demolator was advertised by Visions for the C64 and BBC Micro- though sadly … Continue reading →
Yet another licensed game which never made it, but a more low key company had this title. The game was previewed in an issue of Commodore User magazine in 1986. All that is known about this game is that in … Continue reading →
"Denizen is the ultimate combat experience!!! Denizen features hoards of rampaging, hostile alien life forms and mutations, amazingly detailed backdrops and fantastic gameplay." That was the description detailed inside a C64 game inlay when advertising other titles in the Players … Continue reading →
A short entry for a sequel to Sunrise Software’s Denny’s Quest, which was released in 1993. Thanks to contributors Ponponpox and Botowrap, we learn that a sequel was being offered via a small advert (which you can see in the … Continue reading →
The source of this next entry is interesting as it was mentioned in “Illegal” pirate fanzine as something seen at PC 1988 show (or so it seems) by SSD of Cosmos. We knew very little about the game and there … Continue reading →
Along with Sword of Samurai, Devils of the Deep was to be yet another Fighting Fantasy game on the C64 from US Gold according to This game in particular was to be set in Atlantis and we presume would … Continue reading →
Dimension X is a game from Synapse Software, a futuristic tank-like game sort of like a cross between Encounter and Star Raiders. Our contributor never saw any ads for a C64 version, however one magazine reviewed it and under the … Continue reading →
A early preview of what looks like a Moon Patrol clone, with no obstacles or enemies as of yet. Apart from a nice title screen, the game is quite lacking at the moment, with a simple car which moves left … Continue reading →
Yet another collection of educational titles which don’t seem to be out there just yet, thanks to Peter Weighill for the heads up. Were they unreleased, or merely just limited release? The titles advertised in US magazines by Gladstone Electronics … Continue reading →
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