A classic 3D maze game, cloned again on the C64. Sadly, apart from a modern looking font, the actual game is not progressing any further than its 80’s counterparts. Graphically its very simplistic, and overall the gameplay is very simplistic, … Continue reading →
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 is a great 2 player split screen driving game, and seeing the sequel is enough to make any user excited. The other versions were breathtaking, and the C64 version was apparently shaping well according to rumours. … Continue reading →
Lupin III was to be a licenced game based on the Japanese Manga series (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupin_III) and written by the Magnetica Team which consisted of: Giuseppe Tresoldi – graphics and game designer Omid Ehsani – C64 developer Gerardo Iula – Amiga … Continue reading →
Mach 3 was a pseudo 3D racer which was released on the Amstrad (http://www.cpczone.net/game/2087), MSX and Spectrum (http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0002959), but it seems not on the C64 as stated to be coming soon by TGM in issue 03/88. Even though the game … Continue reading →
No proper name as such, but confirmation thanks to Vinny Mainolfi, that John Twiddy was working on yet another game for the C64, which was mentioned when interviewed in Zzap 64. In the interview, John mentions that he was working … Continue reading →
In an interview on C64.com, Andy Jervis mentioned that he was working on a Mad Max type game for CRL back in the day: “I started a Mad Max type game on the C64 for CRL. This involved you driving … Continue reading →
Yet another early preview of a late C64 title from 2014 that seems to have been chucked onto the project scrapheap. Mad Ninja seems to be the start of a single screen platformer, in the style of Blagger, where you … Continue reading →
We guess the Sega logo in the background was no link for this title, which is a simple single screen game where you shoot at Mafia lurking up in building windows. There is little to do apart from this with … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that has been highlighted by Peter Weighill as one which is currently missing. This was to be an adventure game, possibly a graphic text adventure which has the following blurb in the advert: “Are … Continue reading →
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