A very quick entry until we get more information, but when Sales Curve was first started out, one of the first titles they were to develop was a conversion of Kid Nikki. However, the idea was very quickly dropped and … Continue reading →
Kid Saviour was to be a Giana Sisters clone by Roy Fielding, who did some music work and also did Hectic 2 back in the early 90’s. All the hard work according to Roy was done, with decent collision, scrolling … Continue reading →
This early preview puts you in the control of a nicely animated spaceman, running around and jumping over various vegetated objects over a short horizontal push scroll map. Glitches are everywhere in this early preview, and some errie music has … Continue reading →
This was a fairly popular title on the Commodore Amiga back in 1990, and unsurprisingly a C64 conversion was rumoured. The game was kind of a "Running Man" idea, with yourself controlling a ship in a platform/shoot-em-up affair. As with … Continue reading →
Originally we thought this was a vapourware title briefly mentioned in the news pages of Zzap Italia back in 1988, but Strident did some impressive digging and found that the game did exist and was to be released on the … Continue reading →
Advertised in Home Computer Weekly, issue 85 – King Arthur’s Quest was an interesting looking 3D adventure game which was to be released on the likes of the Spectrum and also the Commodore 64. You would use the keys to … Continue reading →
Yet another Cinemaware game which never quite made it on the C64. This time a mobster game based in Chicago, and following the same style of play as with the other Cinemaware releases. As with the SDI title, King Of … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that was flagged up by Fabrizio Bartoloni. In an interview with developer Gunnar von Boehn, Gunnar revealed that he had worked on the C64 scene and had done some tools, and even finished a … Continue reading →
A more recent game from 2001 and seems to be a title which was being developed in Australia. The game is a simple sideway scrolling car game with some awkward controls. You basically just control a car and must keep … Continue reading →
A very strange little preview this one.. It is infact an early preview of Orcus, with hacked sprites from Mr Heli and other games. It’s not known if this was actually going to be turned into a proper full game, … Continue reading →
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