1287 results for: Sound = Unknown
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1990 Gametek

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A game being produced by R Pedersen, who developed a number of games which never made the light of day. The games were all made in MSDOS first, then ported easily over to the C64 and Apple machines. This game … Continue reading

Space Ace

1990 Empire

Potentially this was originally thought of as vaporware until we had received confirmation that it wasn’t. This was thanks to early adverts for Space Ace by Empire/Readysoft, which reported a C64 version as coming soon. Additionally though in recent times … Continue reading

Space Monkeys

1992 Fosters

An interesting title which could well be crossed off the list very early as a hoax, but should be reported anyway due to its mention in Issue 19 of Commodore Format. Space Monkeys was potentially Commodore Format’s duff April Fools … Continue reading