Ah nooooo…. not another puzzler!… The 10,000th puzzler i’ve had to go through for GTW, i’m sure! It’s also another game that came with no instructions, so i’m not sure what you have to do. After some fiddling around with … Continue reading →
Another very quick entry to the archives which has been highlighted by Hedning. All we know is that the game was a cartridge game that was due out in 1984 by Tigervision. We know very little else at this stage, … Continue reading →
This is a surprising title which hasn’t really been discussed as a missing Matthew Smith game, and really it isn’t much to do with Matthew apart from improving one of his games on the Commodore 64 and was most likely … Continue reading →
A very short entry for now for a game that was one of many that never quite made it from Crystal Software back in the later end of the 90’s. This game was to be the sequel to the released … Continue reading →
Meantime was a new RPG being developed by Interplay for the Apple II and PC, with a view to porting the Apple II version to the C64, like with Wasteland which was released in 1988 by Electronic Arts. The plot … Continue reading →
Megatanoï was a game first mentioned by Paul Fogarty as a game by Trisomic Boys being produced in the early 90’s. Trisomic Boys were the game development part of the Babygang group, who did Crazy Cars 3 at a later … Continue reading →
Incredibly rich from his exploits in Manic Miner and partying away in Jet Set Willy, the third instalment was apparently to see our intrepid hero up against the bane of the nouvelle riche, the tax office!… The actual name for … Continue reading →
It’s not just commercial games that we add to the GTW archives, but also unfinished projects that were homebrew. Megváltó is one such homebrew title which was being made in SEUCK by the cousin of our contributor ‘Dey’ way back … Continue reading →
A very short entry to put down a marker for hopefully finding some missing 32K entry games for the Mekka & Symposium 2000 demo party and their 32k game competition. A number of games were listed and we believe are … Continue reading →
A new and previously unknown game released into the Games That Weren’t archives with Memory Man, a game found by Csaba Virag on a series of disks. The game was developed in Hungary and doesn’t seem to be currently in … Continue reading →
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