Apparently not to be confused with the release by Golden Games back in the same year, or is it? … We’re not too sure, but it seems a co-incidence that there would be two Hollywood Poker games released around the … Continue reading →
Our next GTW entry comes in the form of Honest Joe, a game by Bubble Bus Software and advertised in a Bubble Bus catalogue from around 1985 time. The game was also due for release on the BBC Micro. The … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for an educational title which was due for release in 1991 on the C64 by Scetlander, a company based in Glasgow. The game was released on the ZX Spectrum and various other platforms. We know that … Continue reading →

Gaz Spence confirmed in 2015 that the game was released and can be found here: Case closed!
The third and final part of the Horace trilogy was sadly never to be on the C64. Indeed the game was planned, but it kind of fell by the wayside, and as far as we know… nothing was ever actually … Continue reading →
Text adventure from Kayde who went into administration at the 26th August 1983. Did Spectrum releases, tried to do C64 and Vic 20 ones, which never seemed to surface. The game in the advert (Two adverts were submitted by Peter … Continue reading →
Very limited information at the moment, but this was to be a title created by Commodore Cracker editor Brian Turner of which he said the following in one issue: "At last I have manage to find the time to start … Continue reading →
A rumoured title from Empire, the little known C64 games crew. It has been found however that this was a game being developed on the C64 by Palace software, around the same time that Barbarian 3 was being produced. Hot … Continue reading →
A short entry for now until we find out some more, but this was a quiz game that was mentioned in a German C64 magazine called Aktueler Software Markt – where the title Hotline Quiz was announced by Chalksoft Ltd. … Continue reading →
A quick entry for a title which was to be an Electronic Novel for Broderbund and Synapse. Where most of the planned titles were released and coded by Joe Viera (, the rest of them for some reason never quite … Continue reading →