In the early 90’s, the 16-bits were greeted by a new style of adventure game with a character not far off from that of Impossible Mission. Another World and Flashback by Delphine were two of the biggest breakthrough’s of their … Continue reading →
Flight Deck 2 was a cool flight sim game which was released by Aackosoft back in 1986 on the MSX. However, a C64 version was clearly planned, maybe even completed, as the C64 is clearly labelled on the MSX’s packaging. … Continue reading →
This is a very short stub entry for now for a game called Flight Simulator, which was a concept for a Commodore 64 game that was highlighted on Viktor T. Toth’s website. We know very little at this stage apart … Continue reading →
A curious little puzzler promoted in its review from Zzap 64. Flippit had you turning squares one at a time in order to reproduce a given pattern. Of course, life wasn’t that simple, as each square you turned also affected … Continue reading →
Flyspy is a great little budget title from Mastertronic which was well received. You basically control a helicopter inside a super computer and have to destroy it with a nuclear bomb. It was a nice flick screen arcade adventure game. … Continue reading →
A short entry for another missing title from Cult Games, flagged up thanks to Martin/Stadium 64. This was listed as an available title within the inlay of Boxing Manager 2 and was marked as being available for C64, Spectrum and … Continue reading →
As you can tell, the title is a working title. Football Game is pretty much self explanatory, and was to be a footy game by Zeppelin Games around 1992 time for the C64, Spectrum and Amstrad platforms. The title was … Continue reading →
Not likely to have been anything official, someone took it on themselves to try and do a conversion of the PC football simulator of the same name and seemed to have a good crack of it. There seems to be … Continue reading →
A very short entry for an unknown Football game that was possibly in development or to be developed by Mike Lyons. Basically, we found a set of sprites on a utilities disk, which Mike isn’t very sure about their origins. … Continue reading →
A very vague entry this time, and not to be confused with the Spectrum game of the same name by Design Design (1986). A brief mention of this game was given in the end sequence of Freddie Hardest – Manhatten … Continue reading →
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