A game which probably many wouldn’t have chosen to licence, but Big Apple software did back in 1989 as they tried to make their mark on the computer game market. Jason Kendal (Who also did Proton for Big Apple) and … Continue reading →
A short entry for a SSG title for the C64 that was advertised in its 1988-1989 catalog as coming soon. With thanks to Joseph Tsai for highlighting. The game was also due for release for the Apple II and IBM/Tandy … Continue reading →
Briefly mentioned in an issue of Commodore Cracker, there was a brief news item saying that the conversion of Cannon Fodder for the C64 was looking seriously delayed. It never surfaced unsurprisingly, and was most likely vapourware. There honestly isn’t … Continue reading →
Capitaly was a version of Monopoly for the C64 which was written by Andras Baneth. Andras had also worked on an unofficial Viking Child conversion for the C64, but mentioned this Monopoly game which he had also worked on. It … Continue reading →
A new entry for a title which is a more recent C64 production, not one which was produced back in the day. Captain Future was to be a game based on a science fictional character who is a space travelling … Continue reading →
A game by Frank Herrman, which was to be sold by the Tronic Verlag (those who published the ‘ASM’), but it was never seen. It was judged as a very good and playable game. The description given in the magazine … Continue reading →
Capture the Flag is a brilliant two player 3D maze game which was available on a whole host of systems, such as the Atari and even the Vic 20! The game was way ahead of its time, and gave a … Continue reading →
Vague time now, as we take a very quick look at another title from the guys at Cyberdyne Systems in the days of producing the likes of Armalyte and Deadlock. All we know is that there was a Car game … Continue reading →
UPDATE – Case closed, game is in Gamebase under a slightly different name: http://www.gb64.com/game.php?id=2732 Advertised back in 1983 along with two other games that were released and are currently in Gamebase64, Cargo Run is unfortunately missing. The game was described … Continue reading →
We think that this title was to be called Carlo, or it could be the character of which the file depicts. We found a large’ish sprite set labelled Carlo on the disks of Cory Kin, which seems to have a … Continue reading →
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