1250 results for: Sound = Unknown
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1984 Ultimate Play The Game

Also known as: Jet Pac

Finally – confirmation that a C64 conversion of Jetpac was in the works from Ultimate. A small news snippet in Commodore User magazine details that the game was being prepared – though of course pretty late compared to the Spectrum/Vic … Continue reading


199? Unknown

Jori thumbnail

A strange little game this, with some nice looking early graphics and main character. This preview is at a very early stage, as you cannot really do anything apart from jump on the platforms. It’s not known what kind of … Continue reading

Judge Death

1987 Piranha

Judge Death thumbnail

Also known as: Horror City, Judge Anderson

A 3D Operation Wolf style blaster featuring 2000 AD’s Barbie lookalike Psi-Judge Anderson gunning down the evil Judge Death’s zombie hordes. Unlike previous games of this genre, Judge Death actually showed your hand clasping the lethal Lawgiver (gun favoured by … Continue reading