A very short entry for another potential lost Capcom conversion in the shape of Street Football (not to be confused with the similarly named Epyx game). This was to be a conversion of the Bally Sente arcade game. The game … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for now, as it has been suggested that there may have been a US version of Strider in development, before the Tiertex version was used instead. This was found via a comment on a Battle of … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Commodore MAX title that was proposed, but never finished and released. Sub Hunt would have you piloting your helicopter in a fast-paced search and destroy mission. You know the subs are down there, but where? … Continue reading →

Another company entry, thanks to Peter Weighill, for a number of educational titles that are currently missing, and from another US based label called Sungem Educational Adventures. The following games were advertised with screenshots: Spelling Space Wars State Chase Kids … Continue reading →
Another title which could well be vapourware, and one which we may not need to do any searching. Super Cars 2 was never fully announced by Gremlin, though Games X magazine reported that the C64 version was coming soon and … Continue reading →
A strange little title with little known about it really. Super Daryna sounds like some kind of Mario rip off, but was infact a kind of RPG title coming to the C64 and Amiga platforms by the publishers of PP … Continue reading →
Thanks for the heads up from Jazzcat – Super Elite was a game that was mentioned in Danish Magazine IC RUN Nov/Dec 1988. It was briefly mentioned as being developed, from a newsletter from Starvision’s owner Ivan Sølvason. Sadly there … Continue reading →
Thanks to Wayne Wormsley for highlighting this one! Super Fighter was a PC based fighting game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Fighter) which became pretty popular, and so much so that a Demo group were looking to convert it to the C64. In an issue … Continue reading →
Following on from the recent look at the strange earlier (or later?) version of Super Hang On with larger bikes but less of them, Martin/Stadium64 highlights that there was a strange late US release which was to include a Commodore … Continue reading →
Around the same time that World Class Rugby was announced, Audiogenic also announced a follow up to Emlyn Hughes called “Super League Manager”. The game was mentioned in issue 7 of Commodore Format and was being programmed by Gary Bassett. … Continue reading →