899 results for: Year = 199
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199? Unknown

Brix thumbnail

Another puzzler, and an Othello/Reversi clone at that. Apparently it is actually complete, but with a rather crap computer oponent according to Cal :) The game looks nice so far, and is quite early in its production stage. There are … Continue reading


1998 Megastyle

Bronnoyquest thumbnail

Bronnoyquest was a jokey adventure game which was written by Ruben Spaans (aka Scroll/Megastyle). Ruben explains more about the game and how it came about: "It started out as a very silly adventure game made by me and a friend … Continue reading

Brute Force

1991 Storm

Brute Force was a fairly unheard of arcade game by the creators of Ivan Ironman’s Offroad Racer, Leyland Corp. This was a double dragon style beat-em-up which featured your usual violence and weapons. Not surprisingly, the game was planned for … Continue reading


1996 Unknown

Bubble thumbnail

Hands up who remembers that old Software Project’s game "Crazy Balloon" ?… You know, the one based on that ancient old arcade machine with monocrome char graphics, where you guided the baloon around the maze to the exit. Well, taking … Continue reading